Ah, SEO and SEO techniques – the magical world where even the slightest tweak can propel your site to the top of the rankings, or so the legend goes. But fear not, dear reader, for today we shall dive into the nitty-gritty of on-page and off-page SEO techniques and strategies that can help your WordPress website shine in search engine results.

On-Page SEO Techniques

1. Keywords, Keywords, Keywords

Right, let’s start with the basics, shall we? You want to target specific keywords for your content, so search engines know what it’s about. Use your primary keyword in the title, headings, and sprinkled throughout your content like fairy dust (but don’t overdo it).

2. Meta Descriptions and Title Tags

Put on your creative hat and write compelling meta descriptions and title tags that include your primary keyword. This not only catches the reader’s attention but also tells search engines what’s in store.

3. Image Optimisation

Heavy images can slow down your website like a snail on a leisurely stroll. So, optimise your images using premium stock image resources and add descriptive alt text for the visually impaired and search engines alike.

4. Internal Linking

Sprinkle some internal links throughout your content like a master chef seasoning their dish. These links should lead to relevant WordPress content and improve the user experience, whilst also boosting SEO.

Off-Page SEO Techniques

1. Social Media Promotion

In today’s world, if your content isn’t on social media, does it even exist? Share your blog posts and articles on popular platforms to increase your online presence and attract more eyeballs.

2. Guest Blogging

Offer your literary prowess to other blogs in your niche, and in return, they’ll allow you to include a cheeky backlink to your website. It’s a win-win situation for both parties.

3. Quality Backlinks

A backlink is like a thumbs up from another website, saying, “Hey, this site’s got some good stuff!” Aim to earn quality backlinks from reputable websites, which can help improve your search engine ranking.

4. Local SEO

Don’t forget about local SEO, especially if you run a business with a physical location. Add your website to local directories and optimise your Google My Business listing for maximum impact.

In conclusion, SEO isn’t just about waving a magic wand and hoping for the best. It takes time, effort, and a dash of British humour to truly master the art of WordPress website optimisation. So grab a cuppa, and let’s get cracking!

If you are looking to learn SEO then we highly recommend the Free SEO training: SEO for beginners Training Course created by the Yoast Training Academy, who are specialists and industry leaders in the SEO space. Here’s some more information about the free course that they offer.

Free SEO training: SEO for beginners
  • Get a solid understanding of SEO and how search engines work
  • Filled with quick wins to make your site rank higher in Google
  • Plus: get tips to let the Yoast SEO plugin do the essential technical work for you
What topics are covered in this free SEO for Beginners training?
  1. Introduction to SEO This chapter lays the foundation for everything you’ll ever do in SEO. You’ll find out how search engines work, how they see your website and how the Yoast SEO plugin can help you rank higher.
  2. The content side of SEO
    • What people type into Google to find your website (Keywords) We cover the basics of keywords. You’ll find out what they are, why you should use them, and how the Yoast SEO plugin helps you optimize your texts for your keywords.
    • What kind of texts rank high in Google (SEO copywriting) To be liked by Google, your texts need to be original, readable and findable. We’ll look into these concepts and give you actionable tips.
    • How Google finds its way on your website (Site structure) We’ll show you examples of great site structure and how the plugin helps you build an intuitive structure for your own site.
  3. The technical side of SEO
    • How you might be blocking Google from your website (Crawlability) Without even knowing it, you might be blocking Google from entering or indexing your site. We’ll show you how to check that, and then roll out the red carpet for search engines.
    • One way to stand out in the search results (Rich results) Sometimes, Google shows more than just a regular search result. When you get to see ratings, images, location, videos … they’re called ‘rich results’. We’ll give a brief introduction into what they are and how to get them for your site.