Getting Started with Tracking and Analysis

Welcome, dear reader, to our beginner’s guide to Google Analytics! If you’re just starting your journey into the world of websites, Google Analytics might seem like a mythical creature, shrouded in mystery. But fear not! We’re here to shed some light on the subject, and before you know it, you’ll be tracking your website’s performance like a true British detective – with a cup of tea in one hand and a cheeky biscuit in the other.

What is Google Analytics, and why should I care?

Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool that allows you to track and analyze your website’s performance. It’s a bit like having a personal assistant who keeps track of how many people visit your WordPress website or blog, where they come from, and what they do when they get there. Think of it as a digital Sherlock Holmes for your website, minus the deerstalker hat and pipe.

Why should you care? Well, the insights you gain from Google Analytics can help you make data-driven decisions to optimise your website’s user experience, improve website optimisation, and ultimately increase conversions. Jolly good, right?

Setting up Google Analytics: A step-by-step guide

Now, let’s dive into the process of setting up Google Analytics for your website. Put on your digital detective cap, and let’s get started!

Step 1: Create a Google Analytics account

First things first, you’ll need a Google account to access Google Analytics. If you don’t already have one, go ahead and create one – it’s free!

Once you’ve got your Google account sorted, head over to the Google Analytics website and sign in with your Google credentials.

Step 2: Set up a property for your website

After signing in, you’ll be greeted by a wizard that will guide you through the process of setting up a new property. A “property” is just a fancy term for the website you want to track. Click on “Set up for free” and follow the instructions.

  1. Give your property a name – usually, your website or domain name will do.
  2. Choose the time zone and currency for your reports.
  3. Click “Next” and fill in your website’s details, including the website name, URL, and industry category.
  4. Click “Create” to finish the process.

Step 3: Install the tracking code on your website

Now that you’ve got your property set up, Google Analytics will provide you with a unique tracking code. You’ll need to add this code to your website so that Google Analytics can start collecting data.

If you’re using a WordPress website, there are several plugins available to help you with this task. Alternatively, you can manually add the tracking code to the header of your website. Just make sure you’ve got a proper understanding of website hosting and basic HTML before attempting the manual method!

Step 4: Start exploring your data

Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up Google Analytics for your website. Now, it’s time to explore the treasure trove of data at your fingertips. Pour

yourself a cuppa, and let’s dive into the Google Analytics dashboard.

Navigating the Google Analytics dashboard

When you first log in to your Google Analytics account, you’ll be greeted by the dashboard, which provides an overview of your website’s performance. It may seem a bit overwhelming at first, but don’t worry – we’re here to help you make sense of it all.

Here’s a brief rundown of the main sections you’ll find in the Google Analytics dashboard:


This section gives you insights into your website visitors, such as the total number of users, new vs. returning visitors, and their demographics (age, gender, location, etc.). It’s a bit like having a guest book for your website, but with far more information!


In this section, you’ll discover how people find your website. You’ll see which channels (organic search, social media, direct traffic, etc.) drive the most traffic, as well as specific sources and mediums (e.g., Google, Facebook, email, etc.).


This is where you’ll learn what your visitors do when they’re on your website. You can see which pages they visit, how long they stay on each page, and the overall flow of traffic through your site. It’s like having a digital CCTV camera – but without the creepy invasion of privacy.


Here, you’ll find data related to the goals you set for your website. Goals could be anything from newsletter sign-ups to completed purchases. This section helps you measure the effectiveness of your website in achieving your objectives.

Tips for using Google Analytics

Now that you’ve got the basics down, here are a few tips to help you make the most of your Google Analytics data:

  1. Set goals: Establish clear goals for your website to measure your success and identify areas for improvement.
  2. Customise your dashboard: Tailor your dashboard to display the most relevant data for your business, so you can quickly access the information you need.
  3. Create custom segments: This feature allows you to isolate and analyse specific groups of users, helping you identify trends and optimise your marketing efforts.
  4. Set up custom alerts: Configure alerts to notify you of significant changes in your website’s performance, such as traffic spikes or drops in conversion rates.

Armed with these tips and your newfound knowledge of Google Analytics, you’re well on your way to becoming a master of website analysis. Soon enough, you’ll be able to impress your friends and colleagues with your witty insights and data-driven decisions. And who knows? You might even become the life of the party – at least, the online marketing party!

Remember, knowledge is power – and with Google Analytics, you’ve got plenty of it at your disposal. So, go forth and conquer the digital world with your trusty cup of tea and a side of British humour. Happy analysing!